
Sunday 19/05/2013

Sunday 19th was a warm, muggy, still day with light drizzle on and off which felt perfect for a few migrants and perhaps a decent rarity, unfortunately it wasn’t to be. Sightings included…

At Swineham mostly breeding birds were recorded with a pair of Sedge Warbler being a pleasant surprise, also a pair of Kestrel, Mistle Thrush and calling Bearded Tit  several Reed Warbler and two broods of Gadwall ducklings. Also lots of Swift about and a handful Sandwich Tern feeding up the River Frome. On Brownsea a Roseate Tern was found amoung the 285+ Common Terns that came into roost and at Lytchett Bay the Little Gull returned, also there a Whimbrel, 1 Greenshank, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit and 4 Lapwing. A stunning summer plumage Grey Plover was at Arne from the Shipstal Hide along with a Turnstone and a Whimbrel. 2 Nightjar were seen and heard calling on Upton Heath.


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