Poole Harbour sightings blog

A record of all interesting and notable sightings from around the harbour throughout the year.

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Harbour Update – posted 24/01/23

Posted on: January 24th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

A fantastic School Bird Boat this morning produced 1 ringtail Hen Harrier high over Arne, 1 Velvet Scoter in South Deep, 4 Eider the central harbour and another 2 in South Deep, 3 Great Northern Diver, and c150 Red-breasted Merganser. Most unusual of all however a Whimbrel at Shipstal Beach! Whimbrel are typically a spring and autumn passage species for the harbour, with most individuals currently expected to be on their wintering grounds in SW Europe and W Africa. This isn’t the first overwintering individual we’ve had in the harbour, but it is an unusual record and perhaps reflective of the various extremes in weather conditions we’ve experienced this winter.

Elsewhere there were 2 Common Scoter off of Middle Beach and a single Razorbill in the harbour entrance, where the Black Redstart was still present on the rooftops on Sandbanks. In Holes Bay this morning a Green Sandpiper was seen briefly in front of the Stone Bench, along with 500+ Dunlin, 700+ Black-tailed Godwit roosting in the SE, plus Goldcrest and Chiffchaff in the entrance of the PC World Drain. There were 2 White-tailed Eagle seen near Norden Sewage Works, which headed towards Corfe Castle.

Juvenile Razorbill – Harbour Entrance – Clive Hargrave

Harbour Update – posted 23/01/23

Posted on: January 23rd, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

This weather is so stunning. Yes, frostbite may set in briefly, but it’s worth it for these sunrises and sunsets….and everything in-between. More great birds today with a male Hen Harrier and ringtail Hen Harrier in Middlebere and the stunning male marsh Harrier was at Swineham again. There were a couple of sightings of White-tailed Eagle with one flying east along the Wareham Channel and another over Wareham heading west up the Frome Valley. At Lytchett Fields a Cattle Egret was seen near dusk and the Velvet Scoter was off Jerry’s Point again along with 2 Eider. Along Holme Lane 8 Woodlark were in the cattle field next to the big barn, viewable from the road and at Holmebridge a Marsh Harrier and Peregrine went over. At Baiter there was 1 male Goldeneye, 1 Great Northern Diver, 10 Red-breasted Merganser, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 21 Cormorant, 5 Turnstone, 1 Rock Pipit and c150 dark-bellied Brent Geese. A few Crossbill were vocal in the Corfe Valley, Wytch Farm side and a Woodlark was sub-singing near Hartland. There’s plenty of Raven activity as pairs are now in full display mode, especially in the middle of the day and the first Sparrowhawk display flights have also been observed.

Raven – Hydes Heath, RSPB Arne – Alison Copland

Harbour Update – posted 22/01/23

Posted on: January 22nd, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

The raptors stole the show again today with plenty of White-tailed Eagle activity in the Wareham Channel, where visitors to both Swineham and Arne enjoyed views of two birds perched and on the move. Plus, at around 9am this morning, yet another new eagle arrived into the area….this time 3rd cal year male G816. This means that there are now currently five eagles mooching around south, central Dorset. Also around Swineham were several Marsh Harrier including a stunning adult male. Highlights elsewhere included the single Bearded Tit still present at Hatch Pond along with 5 Snipe, 3 Teal, 2 Gadwall and 1 Water Rail. Over at Sandbanks a Black Redstart was present on the rooftops along the beach side of North Haven, whilst inside the harbour there was 1 Velvet Scoter and 1 Slavonian Grebe off of Jerry’s Point, Studland. At the harbour mouth at dawn 5 Eider flew into the harbour and a Great Northern Diver flew out high over Sandbanks.

White-tailed Eagle perched at Swineham – Alison Copland

White-tailed Eagle in flight – Wareham Channel – Jane V Adams

Harbour Update – posted 21/01/23

Posted on: January 21st, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Well, they keep on coming! We’ve now gone from just 1 White-tailed Eagle in and around the harbour at the beginning of the week to 4 today. Late yesterday afternoon saw the arrival of another new individual in the shape of 4th calendar year male G463, meaning this week we’ve had 3rd cal year female G801, 3rd cal year male G812, 4th cal year female G466 and yesterdays new arrival G463. Big thanks to the Roy Dennis foundation for this info, it’s fascinating to see so many individuals continually return to the harbour. Whether it’s because it’s a favoured feeding site, or because it’s a suitable potential territory, only time will tell, but today people were treated some incredible spectacles as several of the birds were seen interacting over the Wareham Channel. Most notably, a pre-longed interaction between the two male individuals G812 (M) and G463 (M). With the settled weather due to continue we could see more arrivals (and departures) over the coming days, but with two 4th calendar year birds now present it could be an exciting couple of months.

Also today, there were 2 Marsh Tit in trees next to the Norden Sewage works and there were also 6+ Common Chiffchaff, a Siberian Chiffchaff and 2 Firecrest, and at the PCW Drain, 6+ Common Chiffchaff and a Firecrest. At Hatch Pond the Bearded Tit was there again on the eastern edge. Off Jerry’s Point there were 6 Black-necked Grebe and 1 Slavonian Grebe. In Middlebere 3 Spoonbill, 1 Spotted Redshank and 2 Marsh Harrier were logged and on Swineham GP there was 1 Pochard. 

Thanks also to Garry Hayman who recently consolidated all the info from the 2022 Middlebere Hide diary which provides totals, first dates etc over the course of the year. In total there were 121 different species recorded in the diary for 2022 (105 in 2021).


1st sighting / entry of the year: 1 on the 1st April
Last sighting / entry of the year: 1 on the 1st October
Highest count:  4 seen on 26th August
Total number of days an osprey was recorded for the year:  45 days   (41 days in 2021)
March: 0   (1 in 2021)
April: 19     (11 in 2021)
May: 2       (4 in 2021)
June: 0       (0 in2021)
July: 1        (2 in 2021)
August: 20    (16 in 2021)
September: 10 (7 in 2021)
October : 1      (0 in 2021)
White Tailed Eagle:
There were 10 White Tailed Eagles sightings recorded on the: 2nd Jan, 26th Aug, 18th Sept, 13th Oct, 22nd Oct, 23rd Oct 7th Nov, 13th Nov, 16th Nov and 24th Nov
There were 14 days of a Goshawk sighting.
There were 24 days in which a Merlin was recorded in the Diary and the first Autumn entry (arrival) was on the 15th October.
Hen Harrier
There were 59 days in which a Hen Harrier was recorded in the diary, 27 days at the start of the year and another 32 days at the end of the year. The first Autumn arrival was on 6th Oct and highest count was 2 ringtails on 29th Jan, 12th & 13th December.
Marsh Harrier
There 84 days in which a Marsh Harrier was recorded in the diary, with the highest count of 4 seen on the 12th January
Red Kite
There 3 red Kite sightings / entries on the 13th March, 22nd April and 26th June
Other Significant entries / rarities / High Counts in date order…..
2 Great White Egrets on 23rd Jan
10 Golden Plover on 10th Feb
81 Shelduck 16th Feb
50 Grey Plover on 25th Feb
4 Red Breasted Merganser on 21st March
6 Pochard on 21st March
2 Swallows on 5th April (first of the year)
19 Bar-tailed Godwits on 6th April
1 Woodlark on 6th April
1 Yellow Wagtail 6th April (first of the year)
2 House Martins on 11th April (first of the year)
1 Cuckoo (heard) on 19th April, first of the year
1 Whimbrel on 20th April (first of the year), 12th July (first of Autumn) and the highest count was 4 on 24th April.
1 Common Whitethroat on 21st April (first of the year)
1 Ruddy Shelduck on 26th April
1 Wheatear on 27th April (1st of the year)
1 Spotted Flycatcher on 11th May (1st of the year)
3 Cattle Egret on 11th May
1 Hobby on 19th May (1 of the year)
1 Swift  on 26th May (first of the year)
1 Cetti’s Warbler  was heard calling outside the hide on 4th, 14th, 15th and 17th June
1 Spotted Redshank on 5th July, first of the Autumn / winter  & the highest count was 8 on the 25th Sept & 6th Oct
220 Curlew on 11th July (highest count)
10 Greenshank on 30th July (highest count)
1 Yellowhammer on 29th August
1 Gannet (poss Avian influenza) on 4th Sept
20 Spoonbill on 5th Sept (highest count)
2 Whinchat on 5th Sept
3 Curlew Sandpiper on 23rd Sept (highest count)
750 Black-tailed Godwit on 25th Sept (highest count)
85 Pintail on 25th Sept (highest count)
1 Whooper Swan on 8th Oct
1 Glossy Ibis on 21st Oct
First Autumn / Winter Fieldfare and Redwing on 22nd Oct
1 Ruff on 30th Oct
1 Goosander (f) on 10th Dec
1 Jack Snipe on  10th Dec

White-tailed Eagles G466 and G812 over the Wareham Channel – Paula and John Thorpe

Harbour Update – posted 20/01/23

Posted on: January 20th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

This fine weather certainly gets the White-tailed Eagles active and moving around. At the start of the week we only had 1, female G801 who had been around for several days, but as soon as the blue sky’s and sunny conditions kicked in, male G812 then arrived on Thursday. Then, today, 4 year old G466 arrived back, having been on the Isle of Wight for several weeks. Several lucky observers were lucky enough to see all 3 soaring over Middlebere about lunch time. From Slepe Heath, a Red Kite and a Goshawk were also recorded passing over the Wareham Channel and 5 Marsh Harrier were around Swineham. This morning a Black-throated Diver was off Jerry’s Point along with 1 Slavonian Grebe, 3 Black-necked Grebe and 3 Goldeneye. In Middlebere there was also a Spotted Redshank and at Hatch Pond a Bearded Tit was in the reed bed. In Holes Bay 1300+ Black-tailed Godwit were roosting/feeding, which explains why there are literally none anywhere else in the harbour. Also in Holes Bay were 1 Spotted Redshank, 258 Avocet and 306 Dunlin. Around the woodlands, Great Tit are now in full spring song mode, with many already really going for it. Plus, Snowdrops and Daffodils are now emerging and the first drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard on the edge of Greenlands Farm.

Harbour Update – posted 19/01/22

Posted on: January 19th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Another cold one, and it’s clear there’s been a departure of birds from the harbour due to the icy, cold conditions. The Brownsea Lagoon was frozen solid again, with no sign of the 2500+ Black-tailed Godwit that were here last week, not on the lagoon, or anywhere in the harbour on the low tide! Likewise, for our ringing demo last night, with all the freshwater bodies frozen, there were no Jack Snipe caught and only 3 seen, where there are usually 10-15. Lapwing were only present in very small numbers too as the flooded floodplains also froze over. It will be interesting to see what returns when things warm up a bit over the weekend.

That said, our Low-tide cruise today didn’t disappoint with another mouth watering range of species logged during the trip. Highlights included a Black-throated Diver off East Dorset sailing club, near Salterns marina, also 5 Great Northern Diver (off Baiter, Brownsea south shore, Poole Ferry Port and Hamworthy Beach), 1 Black-necked Grebe off the Brownsea SE corner, 5 Eider out in central harbour, 7 Goldeneye (5 Wareham Channel, 2 in South Deep), 120 Red-breasted Merganser, 1 White-tailed Eagle in the Wareham Channel, 4 Marsh Harrier, 1 Peregrine, c400 dark-bellied Brent Geese, c15 Grey Plover, c500 Dunlin, c100 Avocet, 15 Spoonbill and 1 Kingfisher. The full trip species list can be VIEWED HERE.

Elsewhere a Hen Harrier was seen in Middlebere, and a watch off Jerry’s Point around lunchtime saw 1 Slavonian Grebe, 9 Black-necked Grebe, 8 Goldeneye, 3 Great Northern Diver, 22 Red-breasted Merganser, 28 Great Crested Grebe; then as the tide dropped 28 Sanderling, 19 Turnstone, 3 Grey Plover and 2 Ringed Plover.

White-tailed Eagle – Wareham Channel, Low-tide Cruise – Robin Morrison

Black-necked Grebe – Low-tide Cruise – Robin Morrison

Great Northern Diver – Low-tide Cruise – Robin Morrison




Harbour Update – posted 18/01/23

Posted on: January 18th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Another bitterly cold day with a flurry of snow this morning too, meaning that the Brownsea Lagoon was frozen during our boat trip this afternoon. Numbers on the lagoon were therefore low, but there were plenty of sightings elsewhere in the harbour…

The central harbour provided some interest with 1 Velvet Scoter and 2 Eider present, with a further single Eider south-east of Brownsea. There were 2 Great Northern Diver in Bramble-bush bay near the house boats, and around 120 Red-breasted Merganser present harbour-wide. In the Wareham Channel, 2 White-tailed Eagle were present (G801 and G812), raising excitement after pursuits by Ravens and Marsh Harriers, and feeding on the shoreline near Keysworth. There were at least 5 Marsh Harrier present in the channel, and 1 Hen Harrier seen distantly over Arne Moors. On the Swineham Gravel Pit, 2 Pochard were seen alongside 5 Tufted Duck and 1 Egyptian Goose. In Holes Bay this morning, at least 1000 Black-tailed Godwit were counted, as well as over 1000 Wigeon, 100+ Avocet, Pintail and Curlew logged. In Lytchett Bay, 3 Spoonbill were present again on the falling tide, as well as 5 Shoveler and 3 Marsh Harrier. A further 3 Spoonbill were seen at Shipstal Point this afternoon.

There are still a few tickets available for our Low Tide Cruise running tomorrow afternoon, which can be booked here.

Pintail – Holes Bay – Tony Furnell

Harbour Update – posted 17/01/22

Posted on: January 17th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Wow….a proper chilly one today. So cold it saw a minor cold weather movement of Golden Plover arrive to areas NW of the harbour, including 9 at Wild Woodbury, 2 over Morden Bog and a flock of 25+ north of Morden. Could we see a few enter harbour airspace tomorrow? Many areas were frozen and a very cold looking Cattle Egret was hunkered down on Lytchett Fields where there was also a Spotted Redshank and Spoonbill in the bay. Off Middle Beach, Studland there were 10 Black-necked Grebe and 1 Great Northern Diver and there was a Black-necked Grebe off Jerry’s Point. Off Baiter 2 Sandwich Tern were actively hunting, and there was a Goldeneye off the beach. White-tailed Eagle G801 was still hanging around the Wareham Channel and 4 Marsh Harrier were in and around Swineham.

Cattle Egret – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

Harbour Update – posted 16/01/22

Posted on: January 16th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Wow, what a change in temperature! Some woke up to snow this morning whilst others woke up to incredible flooding around the Wareham River valley’s which looks to be some of the highest flood waters we’ve seen in many years! Things are set to get colder too over the coming days, so we can’t get too carried away with thoughts of spring just yet.

Without doubt, todays highlight was 2 stunning Common Crane which flew over Middlebere around lunchtime, heading south and were then seen again later heading north over Wareham. They powered on through sadly, so we don’t know if they dropped down in the harbour or continued south. They could well reappear over the next few days. Also at Middlebere, White-tailed Eagle G801 put in an appearance where there were also 2 Marsh Harrier and a Spotted Redshank. A Red Kite passed Rock Lea viewpoint at Lytchett Bay and there were also 6 Spoonbill feeding off Otter Island in Lytchett Bay. At the PCW Drain a Siberian Chiffchaff was with 6+ Common Chiffchaff. A harbour entrance watch this AM was really productive with a good count of divers 7 flying in singly, with 6 Great Northern Diver and a Black-throated Diver. Plus, the regular 2 Great Northern Diver remained off Pilots Point, so a minimum 8 Great Northern Diver in total. Otherwise a party of 4 Egyptian Geese entered the harbour over Studland NR and 77 Shag, 5 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Great Crested Grebe and an auk species all flew in just after sunrise.

Spoonbill – Lytchett Bay – Ian Ballam

Harbour Update – posted 15/01/23

Posted on: January 15th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Plenty of winter species to see out there today with 2 Black-necked Grebe, 2 Great Northern Diver and 1 male Common Scoter from Knoll beach, Studland plus 1 Slavonian Grebe further along at Middle Beach. One ringtail Hen Harrier was seen once again at Middlebere, and another from Rock Lea View in Lytchett Bay, along with 1 Marsh Harrier. The highlight from Holes Bay was Black Redstart, where there were also over 1000 Black-tailed Godwit, 200+ Avocet, 200+ Dunlin, 1 Lapwing, 24 Snipe & 1 Grey Plover. This morning 5 Hen Harrier were seen departing the harbour and female White-tailed Eagle G801 was still in the Wareham Channel.

Bullfinch – Mark Wright


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