Poole Harbour sightings blog

A record of all interesting and notable sightings from around the harbour throughout the year.

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Harbour Update – posted 03/02/23

Posted on: February 3rd, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Another early spring-like day brought welcome sunshine and periods of warmth triggering plenty of birdsong. Woodlark have begun finding their voice and many more familiar garden birds are in full plastic song. Highlights from across the harbour include a Black Redstart in a Carey garden. A watch from Shell Bay enjoyed 2 Great Northern Diver occupying Poole Bay, with 5 Eider and 12 Pintail picked up flying into the harbour. While a Firecrest was actively feeding behind Rock Lea View, Lytchett Bay.

Black Redstart – Carey Garden – Seb Haggett

Harbour Update – posted 02/02/23

Posted on: February 2nd, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

A bit of a blustery one today. Not too much birding to be had, but a good clean sweep of the usuals with male White-tailed Eagle G463 low over Lytchett Fields heading north. The 5 Eider were seen near the harbour mouth at dawn, before entering the harbour mouth, with a Great Northern Diver on the sea in Shell Bay and a Slavonian Grebe off Jerry’s Point. A male and female Goosander headed down river, towards the harbour over Holmebridge and 2 Woodlark flew over. There was a Spotted Redshank at Lytchett Fields and another in Middlebere. In the mouth of the Frome/Piddle 6 Marsh Harrier were active, 5 Black-necked Grebe were in a choppy Studland Bay, at Shipstal just 11 Spoonbill were roosting, but for pure spectacle this afternoon, Holes Bay north was stacked with birds including c4000 Black-tailed Godwit, c3500 Wigeon and in the PCW drain lots of Chiffchaff again and 2 Kingfisher.

White-tailed Eagle G463 – Lytchett Fields – Colin Moyes

Harbour Update – posted 01/02/23

Posted on: February 1st, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

An interesting Winter Safari Cruise today, with a bit of a shift in gears for species that were seen to kick off the new month’s birding. As we moved around the harbour on the low tide, it was apparent that many of the open water birds that we’ve been picking up recently have moved on, with the lack of Great Northern Diver particularly of note. However, the low tide provided a stunning array of wader and wildfowl activity, with c.800 Brent Geese between Newton and Ower Bay, with around 150 Wigeon amongst them. 5 Spoonbill were feeding in Ower Bay, with Avocet, Curlew, Grey Plover and Redshank amongst the many birds making the most of the exposed mud. 2 Goldeneye were picked up near Goathorn, and there were around 85 Red-breasted Merganser across the harbour. Brownsea Lagoon offered views of around 200 Avocet and 400 Black-tailed Godwit, which were seen moving off high over Poole in large streams as we approached the Wareham Channel.

The channel provided excellent views of waders, with c250 Lapwing on the mud, as well as 30 Grey Plover, 1 Greenshank, 1 Spoonbill, 25 Curlew, around 175 Dunlin, and 30 Redshank with a few Avocet amongst them. Marsh Harrier activity was nice at the top end of the Wareham Channel, with at least 5 birds active, and 1 Peregrine was perched on a post on Arne Moors. Elsewhere, 8 Black-necked Grebe were counted in Studland Bay this morning. 4 Spoonbill were seen feeding in the Middlebere Channel, along with decent numbers of Avocet and 1 Marsh Harrier. At Lytchett Fields this morning, a very high total of 625 Lapwing were counted across the two main fields – the highest count since 2015. In Lytchett Bay, 4 Spoonbill and 3 Shoveler were reported this afternoon. In Holes Bay, over 1000 Black-tailed Godwit, 185 Avocet, 87 Dunlin, 20 Brent Geese and 6 Gadwall were seen this morning, as well as 50+ Redwing at Upton Country Park.

Lytchett Bay – Shaun Robson

Harbour Update – posted 31/01/23

Posted on: February 1st, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Well, thankfully, it’s come to an end! We’re talking about January of course. Often a tough month to deal with, but thankfully the start of the year has seen loads of great birds, setting up 2023 to be another brilliant year for everyone and anyone thats out enjoying the harbour.

Firstly, we’d like to highlight a fascinating blog that was published by our partners The Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation which highlights the status and health of male White-tailed Eagle G463. It’s been unearthed that the newly semi-resident male eagle which arrived into the harbour area several weeks ago, has managed to survive for over a year with just a single talon. The blog can be read HERE which highlights the possible cause and the epic journey this bird has made despite it’s disability.

Highlights today included 2 White-tailed Eagles in the Wareham Channel area and at Middlebere a decent count (the whole harbour total?) of 21 Spoonbill were roosting and feeding. The Peregrine pair on Barclays look settled already, regularly visiting the nest ledge and were calling to each other yesterday. In Studland Bay 8 Black-necked Grebe and 4 Common Scoter weren’t too far off the beach.

Harbour Update – posted 30/01/22

Posted on: January 30th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

It was another busy raptor morning with 19 Marsh Harrier out of the west harbour roost and yet again 7 different Hen Harrier were recorded today. A Merlin was seen at Middlebere and another was seen at Lytchett Bay. Considering Merlin have been so scarce this winter, could these already be a few new birds moving into/through the area? Also, 2 White-tailed Eagles were in the Wareham Channel, a Red Kite was over Studland. There was a Spotted Redshank at Middlebere with 2 at Lytchett Fields. This evening 8 Spoonbill headed up the Frome Valley at dusk and off Middle Beach 10 Black-necked Grebe were counted. Best of all today, was how spring-like it felt with Great Spotted Woodpeckers drumming again in a few areas and both Blackbird and Song Thrush singing. Snowdrops are emerging en mass in traditional spots  and daffodils are appearing nicely, with even a few Red Admiral on the wing again today.

Wigeon – Wareham Channel

Harbour Update – posted 29/01/23

Posted on: January 29th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Today was our Big Poole Harbour Bird Count which saw great coverage across the harbour, despite a cold wind whipping across the area by later afternoon. A dawn start logged 2 Barn Owl at Middlebere and 7 calling male Tawny Owls along a stretch of the Piddle Valley. Scotland Farm had 6 Woodcock and 1 Jack Snipe, whilst last night a Woodcock was re-caught at Sunnyside having originally been ringed at the same site in 2016. From Old Harry this morning we had a decent sea watch with the recent 5 Eider arriving in from way out beyond Durlston, passing Old Harry, before then entering the harbour 10 minutes later. Also off old Harry were a minimum of 7 Red-throated Diver, 2 Great Northern Diver and 5 diver sp, also 1 Fulmar, 5 Gannet, c200 Guillemot and Razorbill, 3 Common Scoter and 4 Red-breasted Merganser. Meanwhile in Studland Bay a decent total of 16 Black-necked Grebe were counted along with another Great northern Diver, 10 Common Scoter, 6 Great Crested Grebe. The Black Redstart was on the red tiled building roof at North Haven, beach side, opposite the angled groyne and 18 Sanderling were on the groyne rocks. There were 2 White-tailed Eagle with one over Lytchett Fields around midday and one in Arne Bay. A decent count of 10 Marsh Harrier were in the evening roost and 7 different Hen Harrier were identified being present in the harbour during the course of the day. . At lytchett Fields 2 Water Pipit were on the fields and a Slavonian Grebe, 4 Black-necked Grebe plus a Velvet Scoter were off the Houseboats, near Jerry’s Point. A Golden Pheasant was seen seen on the lawn of Furzey Island during WeBS. In the mouth of Middlebere 9 Spoonbill were feeding/roosting. At the PCW Drain, 16 Common Chiffchaff were feeding along the channel, plus there was 1 Firecrest, 1 Cetti’s Warbler, 1 Kingfisher, 1 Grey Wagtail and 16 Teal. 

Little Grebe – Wareham Channel

Harbour Update – posted 28/01/23

Posted on: January 28th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Another brilliant Winter Safari Cruise this morning with the flat calm conditions permitting excellent views of 1 Black-throated Diver in the North Channel, along with a distant Velvet Scoter, 3 nearby Great Northern Diver, 2 Sandwich Tern, and a flock of 60 Bar-tailed Godwit. In the southern reaches of the harbour we encountered 750 Brent Geese, 1 Spoonbill, 6 Black-necked Grebe, 6 Eider (the usual group of five in the central harbour and a single female off Goathorn), plus 12 Goldeneye: one of our highest counts this winter! In the Wareham Channel there were 4 Marsh Harrier interacting as they quartered the reedbeds, where a small flock of Bearded Tit was heard and briefly seen. Another 2 Spoonbill were feeding on the rising tide, along with 90 Avocet, 25 Lapwing, 300 Dunlin, 1 Greenshank. Both Grey and Common Seal were also seen on the trip, along with the briefest glimpse of an Otter in the entrance to the River Frome!

Elsewhere between Studland and Shell Bays there was 1 Black-throated Diver (possibly the same individual seen from our cruise), 2 Great Northern Diver, 5 Common Scoter, 11 Black-necked Grebe, 9 Great Crested Grebe and 22 Sanderling, while just inside the harbour off Jerry’s Point there was also 1 Slavonian Grebe. In Lytchett Bay from Rock Lea View 150 Avocet, 50 Oystercatcher, 15 Lapwing, 30 Curlew and 2 Black-tailed Godwit, and in the Middlebere Channel a ringtail Hen Harrier was present this morning.

Don’t forget that tomorrow is the Big Poole Harbour Bird Count, so if you’re able to head out please count as many birds as you can and submit your sightings to us, and maybe even join us at one of our pop-up sessions between 11am and 1pm (more details below)!
Spoonbill – Wareham Channel (from Winter Safari Cruise) – Michael Applegate

Harbour Update – posted 27/01/23

Posted on: January 27th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Conditions were perfect for our Winter Safari Cruise this morning, with the flat calm water making it ideal for picking up open water species. There had seemed to be a drop off in the number of Great Northern Diver in the harbour in the last couple of weeks, but this morning provided a good opportunity to log as many as we could. We logged at least 5 or 6 present around the harbour, including 2 were together SW of Brownsea, 1 on the north shore of Brownsea, 1 off Baiter and 2 off Hamworthy. The Velvet Scoter was present near the harbour entrance, 2 Goldeneye south of Furzey Island, and 1 Black-necked Grebe and 5 Eider were in the central harbour. c.120 Red-breasted Merganser and 100 Great Crested Grebe were seen across the harbour. Wader and waterfowl counts around Newton Bay and Ower Bay included 500+ Brent Geese, 180 Pintail, 100 Wigeon, 200 Teal, 200 Oystercatcher, 20 Curlew, 9 Grey Plover, 30 Avocet, 20 Redshank and 400 Dunlin. 12 Spoonbill were also present at Shipstal. With the very low tide, numbers on Brownsea lagoon were low with c.120 Avocet, c.200 Black-tailed Godwit, c.40 Bar-tailed Godwit, 20 Shelduck and 10 Redshank. Later in the morning, 102 Brent Geese moved onto the lagoon. The Wareham Channel was quiet, apart from the exciting interactions between at least 5 Marsh Harrier, beginning their courtship displays. At Middle Beach, 2 Common Scoter, 2 Black-necked Grebe and 3 Great Crested Grebe were reported today. The Black Redstart was also present again at Sandbanks.

Marsh Harriers – Wareham Channel – Alison Copland

Harbour Update – posted 26/01/23

Posted on: January 26th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Another magic morning exploring the harbour with our School Bird Boat Project. A trip to remember with today’s class enjoying stunning views of a White-tailed Eagle flying over the Arne Peninsula! Other highlights from the trip included a Pochard flying east from the Wareham Channel into the Central Harbour, 3 Black-necked Grebe in Arne Bay and stunning views of Avocet and Dark-bellied Brent Goose flocks several hundred strong. Elsewhere, a Velvet Scoter was still present from Jerry’s Point plus 5 Black-necked Grebe and a single Great Northern Diver. South Haven featured 3 Redpoll and a single Slavonian Grebe was again from Pilots Point, Studland. Holes Bay featured over 2,000 Black-tailed Godwit today, as well as 3 Spoonbill and 188 Avocet. Meanwhile at least six Woodlarks occupied the the ARC reserve on Holme Lane.

Black-tailed Godwit flock – Holes Bay – @BayHoles

Harbour Update – posted 25/01/23

Posted on: January 25th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

There was an atmospheric start to the morning with a thick frost and fog, with the low tide at Holes Bay offering an early feeding opportunity for c70 Avocet, amongst the Redshank, Curlew, Oystercatcher and Wigeon. Early birding from Baiter saw a count of 41 Black-tailed Godwit and a single Greenshank present. Lytchett Fields was busy today, with 88 Dunlin, 2 Green Sandpiper and 50+ Snipe feeding, as well as Water Pipit ringed “1K” recorded again in the Approach Field. A nice sighting of a drake Pochard also seen in flight over Lytchett Bay, headed towards the fields. 5 Woodlark were seen at Bog Lane this morning, and 1 Siberian Chiffchaff was reported at the Sewage Works near Corfe Castle. Within the harbour, 1 Velvet Scoter was present again in South Deep. Just outside of the the harbour, 2 Slavonian Grebe were reported in Shell Bay off Pilots Point. Finally, 1 White-tailed Eagle was seen over Morden Bog this morning.

Water Pipit “1K” – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam


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