Poole Harbour sightings blog

A record of all interesting and notable sightings from around the harbour throughout the year.

Latest Sightings

Harbour Update – posted 15/06/23

Posted on: June 15th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

The 2 Eider that have been present over the last few weeks were seen in Poole Bay near the training bank today, along with 2 Gannet and 4 Sandwich Tern. In Holes Bay, Curlew and a lone Wigeon were reported, most likely the bird that was seen in the PC World Drain a few weeks ago. 1 White-tailed Eagle was seen distantly over the Osprey nest this morning.
We had also hoped to launch our July Carey Osprey Tours this afternoon, but unfortunately we are experiencing some problems on our bookings system which means we haven’t been able to release tickets yet. Please bear with us – we hope to have them uploaded tomorrow!
Wigeon – Holes Bay – Martin Adams

Harbour Update – posted 14/06/23

Posted on: June 14th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Come on, we need some rain now. These warm days are lovely, but several days almost topping 30 degrees is a bit much! This evening it stayed very mild for the duration of our Puffin Cruise which only returned 1 Puffin tonight, compared to 6 that were present yesterday evening. There were also 8 Fulmar on the water off Durlston and the two Peregrine families were still present at Durlston and Old Harry.

This morning we were thrilled to be able to help support on the release of the juvenile Peregrine Falcon that was found on Sunday evening in Poole Town. The bird was one of the Barclays Peregrines and was taken into care by ‘Wildlife Rescue’ from Ringwood having flown head first into a glass balcony. Thankfully it made a full recovery which allowed us to get the bird back on the Barclays building this morning where it was soon joined by both it’s parents and one of it’s siblings. A White-tailed Eagle was over Swineham this AM, being mobbed by one of the local Marsh Harriers. A Red Kite was over Lytchett Bay.

Marsh Harrier (above) and White-tailed Eagle (below) – Swineham – David Camp

Harbour Update – posted 13/06/23

Posted on: June 13th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

An early morning start at Lytchett Fields yielded 12 Lapwing, 2 Redshank, 8 Teal and 7 Black-tailed Godwit. Over Wareham Common this morning, 4 Swift, 6 Sand Martin, 15 House Martin and 2 Swallow were counted. The oldest Osprey chicks on the Poole Harbour nest are already 2 weeks old, with all three are rapidly losing their downy feathers, now showing pin feathers that will develop into their full juvenile plumage. Our Puffin Cruise saw a season high count of 6 Puffin along with 2 Peregrine nests again, one at Ballard and one at Durlston, also 1000+ Guillemot again.

We are also currently recruiting an Osprey Project Assistant to provide husbandry and monitoring support through the Poole Harbour Osprey Translocation Project this summer, working with BoPH and the Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation. This exciting position is ideally suited to an early career conservationist or student who is looking for a short-term role over the summer period. There is a short turnaround time for application deadline (19th June) and start date, so please take a look at our full job specification if you are interested in applying.

Osprey chicks being fed

Harbour Update – posted 12/06/23

Posted on: June 12th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Well, we always bang on about it, every year without fail. But today is the day Autumn migration begins! This is always marked when the first Green Sandpiper of the season arrives at Lytchett Fields, and today was that day. This is usually a mid-June occurrence with numbers of passing ‘Green Sands’ often building through June and July, before peaking in early August. Later in June the first passage Little Ringed Plovers will also arrive and before we know it, the floodgates will open, and we’ll be treated to five glorious months of autumn migration. There have also been some great experiences with Nightjar over the last few nights/days with a few local birders capturing stunning images of these usually shy birds. This evening our Puffin Cruise out to Dancing Ledge was busy with 4 (possibly 5) Puffin, 1000+ Guillemot, 6 Razorbill, 2 Peregrine families, 14 Fulmar, 6 Kittiwake, 3 Gannet, 7 Common Scoter and the usual constant passing of Sandwich and Common Tern. In the Wareham Channel 2 White-tailed Eagle were seen briefly and male Osprey 022 was seen in the mouth of the Frome. An Osprey was also seen off Coombe Heath, RSPB Arne.

Nightjar – Poole Harbour – Tony Furnell

Nightjar – Dunyeats Heath – David Forster

Nightjar – Lytchett Heath – Ian Ballam

Harbour Update – posted 11/06/23

Posted on: June 11th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

It was good to receive some rain today, even if it was only a light drizzle for the first part of the morning. It was a much needed dampening down for the area. It didn’t seem to down any rare or common migrants en route north (or south), but did deliver some more juvenile Lapwing to Lytchett Fields with 5 there today. This evening our Puffin Cruise was finally able to depart after weeks of steady SE winds, with 4 Puffin seen, mostly on the cliffs of Dancing Ledge and the 2 Eider were still in Shell Bay on the way back. A White-tailed Eagle was seen from the Ham Common viewpoint this morning and 3 were still in the general vicinity of the Wareham Channel late afternoon. Also, we fully understand everyone is gripped to the Osprey nest cam, however, don’t forget we have two equally exciting webcams set up on the Brownsea Lagoon which we put up earlier this year in partnership with Dorset Wildlife Trust which are focused on the Common Tern and Sandwich Tern colony. Both colonies have hatched juveniles with the Sandwich Terns a few weeks more advanced. You can view both ‘Tern Cams’ HERE.

Screen grabs from the Brownsea Tern Cams

Harbour Update – posted 10/06/23

Posted on: June 10th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Although it may have gone a bit ‘eagle quiet’ in recent days, there were actually 4 different White-tailed Eagles in the harbour area today, with the semi-resident pair G466 and G463 in the Wareham Channel, plus female G801 and male G816 both arrived back within the last 24 hours. They’re all keeping their heads low it seems, and don’t seem to be as ‘flighty’ as in recent months, but they’re definitely still loving the Wareham Channel area, so don’t stop looking. It’s just you may have to look a bit harder. There were a few more ‘juv’ firsts for the summer with the first juvenile Black-headed Gull of the season appearing on Lychett Fields along with the first juvenile Lapwing, having almost certainly fledged from somewhere reasonably close by. A Hobby was seen over Upton, 2 Red Kite were over Sandford. Male Osprey 022 was seen fishing in the Wareham Channel near Giggers Island and there was a season high count of 7 Puffin at Dancing Ledge this evening. There were Cuckoo on Slepe Heath and at Coombe Heath, RSPB Arne. And finally, some good news, having been missing for several days, the 3rd juv Peregrine from the Barclays building re-appeared today with the whole famil of 5 (3 juvs and 2 adults) on show this evening.

Reed Warbler – Lytchett Bay – Ian Ballam

Harbour Update – posted 09/06/23

Posted on: June 9th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

It was a real scorcher today, but our Osprey viewing sessions were well rewarded with 2 Hobby, 1 Red Kite, 1 Goshawk, 1 Peregrine (2 Osprey), 3 Woodlark and a small party of Crossbill over the Piddle Valley during the course of the day. There was another Red Kite over Lytchett Bay and today (we think) only 1 juvenile Peregrine at Barclays was seen all day? There was no sign of our newly arrived male Osprey 374, but to be honest he could easily have left as quickly as he arrived with two year olds never often staying in one place for too long! He’ll be back soon no doubt.

Another cracking shot of male Osprey 374 yesterday – Morden Bog – Aidan Brown

Harbour Update – posted 08/06/23

Posted on: June 8th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Brilliant news today – our 2021 translocated male Osprey 374 was photographed this morning over Morden Bog, just a stone’s throw away from the nesting pair. He was first reported in Wiltshire back in mid-May, having returned from his migration for the first time and we were keeping our hopes high that he would make his way to the Poole Harbour area. He was likely the Osprey reported from over Arne today, with another Osprey also seen in Lytchett Bay this morning. At Lytchett Heath, 1 Hobby was reported hunting, as well as several recently fledged Dartford Warbler. 1 White-tailed Eagle was seen being mobbed by an Osprey over Carey near Wareham in the early afternoon, which later drifted near the Osprey nest site, where another Hobby was also reported. Our Slepe Heath Nightjar walk this evening returned the goods with great views of 7+ Nightjar (none of which ate each other) along with a singing Cuckoo and 2 Dartford Warbler.

Osprey 374 – Morden Bog – Aidan Brown

Harbour Update – posted 07/06/23

Posted on: June 7th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Great to see the Nightjar hatching on Springwatch tonight which gives an indication to how far along into the season these special birds are. With the nights warming up this coming weekend and with (hopefully) more insects and moths on the wing, it should provide plenty of Nightjar activity out on the heaths as parents start to feed young. This evening 2 Eider were on Stoney Island off the SE corner of Brownsea and on the lagoon today there were 6 Avocet, 3 Redshank and 1 dark-bellied Brent Goose. The Barclays Peregrines were very active again, with 1 juvenile still sadly missing, however another ventured off the Barclays building to a near by factory roof whilst the other stay close to home on the Barclays ledges. Both the adults watched on for periods of the day in between breaks over to the Asda building. At Lytchett Bay Bearded Tit were calling from the reed bed to the left of Rock Lea viewpoint, and a female Marsh Harrier passed over the bay.

Juvenile Peregrine – Barclays Building – Martin Adams

Harbour Update – posted 06/06/23

Posted on: June 6th, 2023 by Birds of Poole Harbour

There were several locals observing the Poole Peregrines today who reported that there were 2 juveniles on show all day, but with worrying news that the 3rd wasn’t seen all day. Last year (and the year before) a couple of the juv’s got themselves into trouble by flying onto balconies of local private flats, so if anyone is watching tomorrow please keep an eye out. At Sunnyside it was great to see several adult Lapwing with a few young juv’s tehre too, along with a Marsh Harrier and Hobby high above. There were also 2 Hobby hunting along the Arne Road.


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