Poole Harbour sightings blog

A record of all interesting and notable sightings from around the harbour throughout the year.

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Harbour Update – posted 07/02/24

Posted on: February 7th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

With calm weather settling over the area it allowed for folk to get out and explore before the next bought of rain appears! Lots going today with a Black-throated Diver and a raft of 3 Great Northern Diver near the chain ferry at Sandbanks. At Lytchett Fields there were 2 Water Pipit, a Spotted Redshank and 2 Marsh Harrier. In Middlebere a White-tailed Eagle flew over along with 1 Merlin and there were 3 Spoonbill in the channel. The 8 Waxwing were in Upton again at Dacolme Drive. Off Jerry’s Point there was a single Slavonian Grebe, 2 Black-necked Grebe and 2 Great Northern Diver. A ringtail Hen Harrier was at Swineham and a Merlin was over Wareham Common again.

Spoonbill – Middlebere – Chris Snook

Common Snipe – Middlebere – Chris Snook

Dartford Warbler – Middlebere – Chris Snook

Harbour Update – posted 06/02/24

Posted on: February 6th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

The forecast looks a bit mixed for the next few weeks, suggesting we need to make the most of the breaks in the weather when we can. It was amazingly mild this morning, so much so that Redwing were singing at Carey Secret Garden. There were also 2 Mandarin Duck that flew over the Lower Piddle Valley this morning, over the heads of the 24 Cattle Egret that were on Wareham Common. The Mandarins headed up river towards Trigon, just as a Merlin bombed down and headed towards Wareham. This afternoon there were 5 Spoonbill at Shipstal, RSPB Arne and 1 dropped into Holes Bay briefly. The White-tailed Eagle pair were in the south of the harbour briefly before heading off in different directions. A ringtail Hen Harrier was at Middlebere and what was probably the same was in Lytchett Bay this morning. The 8 Waxwing were at Dacombe Drive, Upton this morning. In the blustery conditions there were still good numbers of wildfowl in Holes Bay north this morning with Wigeon, Teal, Pintail and Shoveler all present in good numbers.

Shoveler, Pintail, Wigeon and Teal – Holes Bay north.

Harbour Update – posted 05/02/24

Posted on: February 5th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Really not very many people out birding today! Put simply…….Waxwings were the only order of the day…. 8 at Canford Asda, then 8 at Upton, Dacombe Drive, then 8 back at Canford Asda again. Simple.

Oh yeah, and 23 Cattle Egret on Wareham Common!

Waxwing – Dacombe Drive, Upton – Clive Hargrave

Harbour Update – posted 04/02/24

Posted on: February 4th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

The Wareham Channel low tide was teeming with waders and gulls on this morning’s Winter Safari Cruise, with 150+ Avocet spread across the mud, plus 400+ Dunlin, 30+ Grey Plover and 400+ Lapwing giving stunning aerial displays in tight flocks. Hidden in amongst them was a single Golden Plover, a scarce species in Poole Harbour where its favoured upland and farmland habitats are thin on the ground! Raptors were the other key highlight from the trip with a single Peregrine speeding overhead towards the panicked waders, 5 Marsh Harrier quartering the reedbeds, and both male and ringtail Hen Harrier hunting over the Arne peninsula. Also seen were at least 10 Great Norther Diver, 70+ Red-breasted Merganser and 3 Goldeneye. Elsewhere the 8 Waxwings were reported from Dacombe Drive in Upton, and both Pilsdon Drive and the trees behind Asda in Canford Heath. There were also 100+ Bar-tailed Godwit feeding in Whitley Lake viewed from Shore Road, and in Lytchett Bay 3 Water Pipit were present at Sherford Pools.

Golden Plover – Winter Safari Cruise – Scott Usher

Harbour Update – posted 03/02/24

Posted on: February 3rd, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

A typical early February day. Well, typical for these days. There were 22 Cattle Egret on Wareham Common, 2 White-tailed Eagles in the Wareham Channel and a male Hen Harrier was in Lytchett Bay. A Black-throated Diver was off Sandbanks, a Slavonian Grebe was in Studland Bay and another off Jerry’s Point. The 8 Waxwing were once again commuting between Canford Asda and Dacolme Drive, Upton. At RSPB Arne 11 Spoonbill were roosting, there were Spotted Redshank at Middlebere and Lytchett Fields and at Hatch Pond a decent roost of 180 Magpie settled in the trees. Just outside our recording area in West Morden one of our team found a Little Bunting in a cover crop with c15 Reed Bunting. The excitement didn’t end there as a female Cirl Bunting was then also found in the same area which shows some over-wintering individuals are now moving further east compared to previous years.

Little Bunting – West Morden 

Harbour Update – posted 02/02/24

Posted on: February 3rd, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Not as lovely as yesterday but a male Hen Harrier was in Lytchett Bay this morning and a ringtail Hen Harrier was in Middlebere. There were White-tailed Eagles at Ballard, the Wareham Channel, Wareham Forest and the Piddle Valley. The 8 Waxwing stayed putt at Canford Asda today and didn’t seem to visit Upton? There were 3 Water Pipit at Lytchett Fields, 12 Cattle Egret on Wareham Common and 3 Marsh Harrier in Middlebere and 2 in Lytchett Bay. There was also 1 Spoonbill and a Spotted Redshank at Lytchett Fields.

Harbour Update – posted 01/02/24

Posted on: February 1st, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Very nice….thats month one done and dusted. Now into a nice short month which leads us nicely into early spring. Although looking at the weather maps for the next week, the southerly airflow is being delivered north Africa, which in the past has delivered us an early spring migrant or two. Like in 2020 when during similar weather conditions a House Martin and Sand Martin arrived on Feb 11th. Thats pretty exceptional but always worth keeping an eye out. Although today felt like spring it was still a wintery theme in terms of the birds with 8 Waxwing commuting between Canford Heath and Dacolme Drive, Upton. At both sites they’re attracting the attention of the local Sparrowhawks, so lets hope the 8 remain 8 for a while longer. In Poole Bay this morning calm conditions allowed a count of auks from up on Old Harry with 546 Razorbill logged and amazingly just 1 Common Guillemot. Also 1 Slavonian Grebe in Studland Bay and a Great Northern Diver was also calling/singing briefly. On Wareham Common 11 Cattle Egret were feeding, this evening 2 White-tailed Eagle flew over the Morden Park Corner turning, heading for Wareham Forest and this morning a Goshawk flew over Wareham Common. There was a Spotted Redshank at Lytchett Fields and 1 in Middlebere.

Waxwing – Upton – Alison Copland

Harbour Update – posted 31/01/24

Posted on: January 31st, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

A watch of the harbour entrance at North haven this morning counted 6 Great Northern Diver, 15 Red-breasted Merganser and 47 Shag into the harbour. Scanning the Brownsea Lagoon from our school bird boat this morning were highlights 70 Bar-tailed Godwit, 40 Curlew, 2 Greenshank, 5 Sanderling and 50 Dark-bellied Brent Geese. 1 Marsh Harrier was seen over Swineham, causing 400+ Lapwing to flush. 1 Spotted Redshank, 3 Pintail, 100+ Avocet and 100 Lapwing were seen in Lytchett Bay in the early Afternoon, with 1 Spotted Redshank and 1 Greenshank seen amongst 30 Redshank at Lytchett Fields. The 8 Waxwing were this morning in Upton and seen again late this afternoon in the Asda Canford Heath carpark.

Harbour Update – posted 30/01/23

Posted on: January 30th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

A fantastic morning for our Winter Cruise today, with a great array of birds across the harbour. Male White-tailed Eagle, G463 put on a great show in the Wareham Channel, first perched and then soaring as the sun came out. Also in the Wareham Channel was 1 female-type Greater Scaup still, as well as 4 Marsh Harrier, and 1 Peregrine hunting in a flock of c300 Lapwing. 10 Spoonbill were on Shipstal point and at least 7 Great Northern Diver were spread across the harbour. 3 Black-necked Grebes were in South Deep and c150 Avocet and c70 Bar-tailed Godwit on the Brownsea Lagoon.

Also off Jerry’s Point today were 1 Slavonian Grebe and 3 Great Northern Diver. At Middle Beach, Studland there were 1 Slavonian Grebe and 5 Black-necked Grebe offshore. At Lytchett Fields, 1 Water Pipit was seen as well as 1 grey male Hen Harrier, 2 Marsh Harrier and 1 Spotted Redshank. The Waxwing action is still ongoing with the group of 8 seemingly moving between Dacombe Drive, Upton and the trees behind Asda, Canford heath. They have been hard to pin down when moving between sites and were briefly spooked up today by a Sparrowhawk.


1 of 8 Waxwing this morning – Upton, Dacombe Drive

Harbour Update – posted 29/01/23

Posted on: January 29th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

We’re not quite sure that such a thick bank of fog was forecast for this morning, but for the most part of today, a damp, horrid, grey blanket of yuk bedded in and didn’t seem to want to budge. Thankfully the Canford Asda Waxwings were giving close views this morning, so the fog wasn’t an issue and they eventually relocated back to Upton again to the Mistletoe tree in Dacolme Drive. It’s such a fascinating behaviour to have actively selected just two bushes in the whole of Poole to feed from, that are (as the Waxwing fly’s) almost 3 miles apart! They may pit stop somewhere, but it’s been a consistent commute for several days now, with a rough estimate of 10-15 minutes to travel from A to B (or B to A depending in which way they’re flying). The other curious thing is that we know there are some well stocked berry bush’s in-between these two sites that look far better suited (to a human eye), but is their knowledge far greater than ours? and is there something specific about these two berry choices in terms of their exact needs? Who knows, but it’s great to have some ‘local’ Waxwings. Other than this, there was a Water Pipit and Spotted Redshank at Lytchett Fields.

The current Waxwing commute. Upton to Canford 


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