
Monday 10th June

With a warm muggy morning awaiting us when we woke up, and a very light SE breeze it felt like a few birds may have arrived, and sure enough they did.

A likely Great White Egret was photographed flying over Lytchett Bay at around 8:30am heading SW. The attached photograph shows an Egret sp with very long broad wings and long trailing legs. If accepted, it would be the second record for the site in two years. Even more stunning was a full summer plumaged Ruff that was found on the muddy pools at Swineham. Also the there 225 Black-tailed Godwit and 2 adult Little Ringed Plover, which are either very late on migration north, or very early on migration south. The 2 Roseate Terns on Brownsea Island were showing brilliantly on the webcam all afternoon and also still on Brownsea 5 Avocet, 2 Sanderling, 1 Little Tern, 1 pair of Yellow-legged Gulls and good numbers of Shelduck ducklings and Gadwall.

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