
Harbour Upgrade – posted 14/10/14

Today saw big movements of birds right across the country, from thousands off Goldcrests arriving at various coastal sites to a whopping 550 Ring Ouzel at Dungeness in one morning! Well, my dawn watch on top of Glebelands and Ballard managed just 1 Ring Ouzel, which was enough to satisfy me, along with 2 Golden Plover, 1 Merlin, along with flocks of Bullfinch (9, 2, 2, 4) Yellowhammer (2, 1, 2) Siskin (2) Skylark (2, 2, 1) as well as regular flocks of Meadow Pipit, Alba Wagtails, Goldfinch, Chaffinch and Linnet all in regular loose flocks of 5-10 birds. At Arne the record Spoonbill flock of 47 were all hanging out on Shipstal point which is quite a sight if you can make it down there. Both Great White Egrets were out in Brands Bay for a short time, with one venturing over to Brownsea in the afternoon. Also on Brownsea 10 Spotted Redshank, 1 Turnstone, 1 Lapwing (scarce on Brownsea) 2 Spoonbill, 8 Greenshank, 20 Curlew, 20 Brent Geese and Goldcrest everywhere! In Middlebere a Red Kite drifted over early morning. 

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