
Harbour Update – posted 31/10/19

Lytchett Fields held 7 Water Pipit, 4 Spotted Redshank, 3 Dunlin, 3 Greenshank and 40 Redshank. Brownsealagoon webcams offered views of c50 Avocet, c100 Dunlin, c20 CurlewGrey Plover and numerous wildfowl. A morning along Holes Bay NE and NW produced c500 Black-tailed Godwit, c600 Wigeon, 29 Avocet, 84 Dunlin, c120 Redshank, c60 Curlew, c60 Oystercatcher, c50 Shoveler, c20 Pintail, 3 Kingfisher and 1 Brent Goose. Baiter Park featured singles Sandwich Tern and female Goldeneye.

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