
Harbour Update – posted 31/03/24

Thanks March, you’ve been great. Wet and windy, but great. Plenty of good birds, early migrants, a returning rarity and our Osprey pair back safely. Now lets wait and see what April holds? Hopefully an upward trajectory of good birds and improving weather. The month ended with a good flurry of Osprey’s including 2-3 around Morden Bog today, 1 north over West Morden, Beaky in Middlebere, plus singles tracking north both east (Longham) and west (Langton Herring) of the harbour. The Forster’s Tern was familiarising it’s self with the harbour today, being located on the Brownsea Lagoon and off Shipstal again. The seasons first Common Terns were also seen with 1 off Shipstal Point and 2 off the Chain Ferry. A Little Gull was on the floods in the Lower Piddle valley, just north of Swineham GP. There were 19 Cattle Egret ‘summering up’ nicely in the Frome Valley, near Worgret, and at Morden Bog the Great Grey Shrike and a Short-eared Owl were seen.

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