
Harbour Update – posted 31/03/22

Well, thats March over and done with, and what did we finish with…..snow! Several small short blizzards hit late afternoon and almost sub-zero temperature were sustained all day with a biting cold NE wind which will certainly be a shock to the system for those hundreds of butterflies that were on the wing last weekend and the young hatchlings that are already in nests being fed by mum and dad. There was still enough to keep people entertained with more Osprey sightings, all from the Wareham Channel area including what looked like a new un-ringed individual. At Lytchett Fields there were 6 Little Ringed Plover and a Brambling was still under the feeders. This evening at Swineham 5 Cattle Egret and a Great White Egret went into the roost and there were c30 Sand Martin and a single Swallow was over the gravel pit and a drake Pochard was on the water. There was a Black Redstart in the Godlingston Gap at Studland and a Willow Warbler was singing at South Haven, Studland.

Osprey over Wareham Channel – Alison Copland

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