
Harbour Update – posted 31/01/17

As the rain continued to fall, the river valley’s continued to fill and it attracted many birds. On Arne Moors (viewed from Slepe Heath) up to 700 Lapwing, c200 Curlew, c300 Black-tailed Godwit, 100+ Dunlin, 1 Spotted Redshank, 14 Barnacle Geese, 30+ Shoveler, 20+ Gadwall, 200+ Teal and 10+ Wigeon. At 8:30am what looked like 80% of the Studland Starling flock all passed low over Holme Bridge, heading west before settling in some flooded fields to drink, before upping and leaving again. Along Holme Lane, there are now 12 Little Egret back in the cattle fields, but no Cattle Egret. There is however a decent sized finch flock with a few hundred Chaffinch and Goldfinch, well worth scanning through for Brambling or Yellowhammer in the coming weeks. The Lesser Yellowlegs was still on French’s Pools and the Smew was in Holes Bay NE with a male Goldeneye. Tonight we also went around the urban areas of Poole looking at the wet open grass areas to see what feeds here during the night. At Baiter Park, 2 Jack Snipe were feeding on the edges of some large pools with 2 Dunlin and at Hamworthy Park 2 Ringed Plover were feeding on the main field. 

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