
Harbour Update – posted 30/05/15

Not much to report as the summer doldrums kick in (not that by looking out of the window you would ever guess its summer)! I took a walk around Holton Lee yesterday, and was amazed by the number of fledged birds. Dartford Warbler and Stonechat were feeding young and commoner species such Blue Tit, Great Tit , Chaffinch and Robin all had fledged young. Also present at Holton Lee were Tree Pipit, Woodlark, Siskin, Mistle Thrush and 4 Buzzard. Up on Slepe Heath two Hobby were seen hunting, and a single Spotted Flycatcher was along Soldiers Road. In Middlebere 3 Spoonbill were feeding and a single Whimbrel. There is some potentially bad news regarding the breeding Poole Harbour Marsh Harriers, in as much as the male the is father to both nest sites has disappeared and now hasn’t been seen for 5 days. Although this is unusual, it’s not thought to be suspicious and it’s likely the male has just moved on, leaving the females to feed themselves and their new young. Lets just hope a few of the harriers fledge after last years successful seven.

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