
Harbour Update – posted 30/03/16

The fine spring weather encouraged a few spring migrants to drop into the harbour today including a good arrival of Chiffchaff right the way around the harbour with a minimum of 10 at Holton Lee, 16+ at Lytchett Fields, 10+ at the PC World Drain, 5+ South Haven and double figures along the Arne Road. Several more Willow Warbler dropped in too with 2 at the PC World Drain, 4 at South Haven and 1 at Middlebere. At Lytchett Fields there were up to 11 Water Pipit, 2 singing Cetti’s Warbler and 2 Swallow through. Also at South Haven a Firecrest was present and 4 Redpoll passed over. Out in Bramble Bush Bay 1 Great Northern Diver, and 2 summer plumaged Black-necked Grebe were still present. Someone also reported Blackbird chicks had hatched in a garden in Wareham. 

Wheatear – Holton Lee



Willow Warbler – PC World Drain


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