
Harbour Update – posted 30/01/22

It was another busy raptor morning with 19 Marsh Harrier out of the west harbour roost and yet again 7 different Hen Harrier were recorded today. A Merlin was seen at Middlebere and another was seen at Lytchett Bay. Considering Merlin have been so scarce this winter, could these already be a few new birds moving into/through the area? Also, 2 White-tailed Eagles were in the Wareham Channel, a Red Kite was over Studland. There was a Spotted Redshank at Middlebere with 2 at Lytchett Fields. This evening 8 Spoonbill headed up the Frome Valley at dusk and off Middle Beach 10 Black-necked Grebe were counted. Best of all today, was how spring-like it felt with Great Spotted Woodpeckers drumming again in a few areas and both Blackbird and Song Thrush singing. Snowdrops are emerging en mass in traditional spots  and daffodils are appearing nicely, with even a few Red Admiral on the wing again today.

Wigeon – Wareham Channel

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