
Harbour Update – posted 29/12/16

Its great when the harbour gets so much coverage as it allows us to paint a bigger and better picture as to what’s going and what’s about.  Amazingly today 3 different Great Grey Shrikes were seen within the harbour area with one on Godlingston Heath, another on Hartland and the Canford Heath bird. For a scarce winter migrant that’s a pretty incredible total! Holes Bay north was busy again, mostly on the Upton CP side with 300+ Avocet, 400+ Dunlin, 600+ Black-tailed Godwit and the Ruff was still in the field just north of the stone bench. On Lytchett Fields the Lesser Yellowlegs and Green-winged Teal were still present with a Marsh Harrier over. The Cattle Egret was along Holme Lane again and on Littlesea, Studland the Great White Egret was present again and on the Brownsea Lagoon 22 Spoonbill were present with 3 Spotted Redshank. Off Jerry’s Point a Great Northern Diver and 4 Goldeneye were feeding. Another Woodcock ringing session up near Hartland saw 5 new birds ringed and we also caught a re-trap that was originally ringed in February 2014. 

Woodcock – Hartland – re-caught tonight but originally ringed in Feb 2014

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