
Harbour Update – posted 29/07/23

A really nice range of birds were logged from around the harbour today. New in were a Wood Sandpiper on the Sunnyside scrape and at Lytchett Bay an adult un-ringed Osprey caught a fish and headed off SW. The Forster’s Tern was giving decent pre-longed views off Shipstal Point, RSPB Arne today much to the delight of numerous birders who’d missed it on previous occasions. In Middlebere there were 8 Spoonbill this morning along with 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 Green Sandpiper and 2 Whimbrel. At Lytchett Fields this evening there were 6 Greenshank, 2 Green Sandpiper and 1 Whimbrel. The White-tailed Eagle pair are becoming a bit more active again having spent the last 2 months not really leaving the Wareham Channel, but today they were over RSPB and Lytchett Bay. At Holme Lane GP the Barnacle Goose was still hanging out with some Egyptian GeeseĀ and a Common Sandpiper was on the pit edge.

Forster’s Tern – Shipstal Beach, RSPB Arne – Peter Moore

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