
Harbour Update – posted 29/07/22

There were more arrivals today, with more comings and goings too. On the Brownsea Lagoon, the expected early arrival of the first ‘autumn’ Spoonbill landed with 6 new fresh in individuals including a pretty cute fresh juvenile, sporting its much shorter bill and dark black primary wing tips. Other new arrivals were the first 6 Avocet and 2 Sanderling. Also present were c80 Redshank, 2 Common Sandpiper, 5 Greenshank and still decent numbers of Common Tern, including 2 newly hatched (very late) chicks. White-tailed Eagles were coming and going like buses. Firstly, long-staying female G801 left today and ventured back to the Isle of Wight, whilst yesterday evening male G816 arrived into the harbour. Well, this morning he left just as the other male G812 returned and was seen a few times over the Wareham Channel, art one point having a bit of a battle with male Osprey 022, which ended swiftly. Over Hartland there was a noisy exchange between 3 Peregrine Falcon, (2 juv and an adult). There has been some good news from harrier watchers Peter Hadrill and Garry Hayman who are confident that 4 juvenile Marsh Harrier have fledged from the 2 different nest sites in the harbour, which is great news and a postive step forward in really seeing this species re-establish back in the harbour. Our Osprey family are doing well with 5 fish deliveries today before tea time….including 3 deliveries from female CJ7 who doesn’t seem to have lost the knack considering she hasn’t been fishing since April!

Male Osprey 022 with fish over the Wareham Channel

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