
Harbour Update – posted 28/11/17

A dark, cold, blustery grey day where it seems most people stayed in doors! In Poole Harbour west the grey male Hen Harrier came back in late afternoon having gone missing for a few days, joining the regular female. On Hartland a male Merlin was on its standard post near Middlebere at dusk. In Poole Park boating lake there were 4 Goldeneye, 4 Sandwich Tern and 12 Little Grebe and in Lytchett Bay the highlight was 6 Spoonbill feeding. All exposed areas on the low tide were busy with birds making it well worth the effort to pop out and have a look at places like Holes Bay NE or even Baiter if you don’t fancy tracking all the way over to the southern shores.

Turnstone – Whitley Lake, Sandbanks – Ian Ballam

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