
Harbour Update – posted 28/10/16

As autumn gives way to winter and the trees turn to golden shades of brown the signs of winter birding continue to be recognised as several more Red-breasted Merganser appeared in Whitley Lake, Sandbanks along with an increasing total of Brent Geese. In Poole Harbour west, winter raptors are being seen more frequently now as 2 Hen Harrier, 5 Marsh Harrier and Merlin are being recorded almost daily now. The Black Redstart was again on the barn roofs at Arne and 2 Firecrest were in the car park. On Brownsea there were 30 Spoonbill. Lytchett Fields saw at least 1 Curlew Sandpiper still and the Lesser Yellowlegs was present in the morning and a Firecrest was along Slough Lane. The Great White Egret was viewable on Arne, from Hamworthy Beach along with 4 Sandwich Tern

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