
Harbour Update – posted 27/03/17

Well, the sun continued to shine and so did the Red Kite passage with a single over Arne at midday and then another over Upton late afternoon. There was also news of a very early Hobby that arrived on to Hartland Moor mid-morning, landing on a pine before alighting again and headed NW towards the harbour. What was also likely to be a new Great White Egret entered the harbour just before dusk, having arrived in low over Swineham from the west, with c50 Sand Martin and 2 reported Common Sandpiper. At Lytchett Fields the Green-winged Teal was still on Sherford Pools. Marsh Harrier were again seen around the mouth of the Frome and Peregrine were seen over Poole Town Centre, Arne and up on Ballard. More Chiffchaff and a few more Blackcap can be heard singing now from numerous sites and it won’t be long until Willow Warbler and Whitethroat are common-place amongst the dawn chorus.



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