
Harbour Update – posted 26/11/23

What a difference 12 hours makes. When we went to bed it was still cold, and crisp with a bright clear moonlit sky. When we woke up the drizzle had arrived and the rest of the day din’t much improve. The best from the day was 9 Cattle Egret that flew past Rock Lea View at Lytchett Bay and 3 Spoonbill were in the bay this evening. There was also 1 Water Pipit at Lytchett Fields and the male Hen Harrier was also in and around the Lytchett Fields/Bay area for the morning. In Studland Bay there were 4 Great Northern Diver on the water and a minimum of 3 Black-necked Grebe plus there was a Slavonian Grebe in Brands Bay. The weather really hampered WeBS efforts today, with limited visibility and constant rain which is a shame considering the weather yesterday.

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