
Harbour Update – posted 26/03/16

If you looked up the definition ‘tough birding day’ in the birding bible then today would have surely been the written description. Wind and yuk conditions did nothing to aid anyone who was hoping to get out in search of spring migrants and that included us on our monthly field trip to the Sunnyside Farm and Soldiers Road area. The best we could muster were 2 Chiffchaff and 2 Woodlark which thankfully gave great views feeding just meters away from us. Realising we weren’t going to see much more we headed for Arne and a quick loop around Coombe Heath where 6 Spoonbill and a flyby Wheatear brightened things up slightly. A nice find of 6 Brambling feeding in a Chaffinch flock in Wytch Farm Wood, Rempstone was welcomed, although this is private land. Best of the rest was 1 Sand Martin at Lytchett Fields and 18 Sanderling on Shell Beach, Studland. 

Sanderling – Shell Beach, Studland – Denise Davis



Little Egret – Holes Bay – Jaqui Taylor


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