
Harbour Update – posted 26/01/24

There was plenty going on today, which is unsurprising considering how glorious it in the (very, very) early spring sunshine! The Upton Waxwings made a welcome return for a couple of hours, feasting in the same mistletoe tree in Dacolme Drive. The Black-throated Diver was again in Holes Bay south and at the PCW Drain 10+ Chiffchaff were counted. There were 2 Spotted Redshank on Lytchett Fields and another in Holes Bay. On Wareham Common 11 Cattle Egret were at the northern edge and both White-tailed Eagles were seen over RSPB Arne and then Ballard Down. A decent sea watch from Branksome Chine this morning produced 14 Red-throated Diver, 8 Great Northern Diver, 1000+ auks (mostly Razorbill by the looks of things), 52 Pintail, 19 Shoveler and 4 Red-breasted Merganser. Off Jerry’s Point there were 2 Slavonian Grebe, 4 Black-necked Grebe and 3 Goldeneye. Off Middle Beach, Studland there was 1 Black-necked Grebe and 1 Great Northern Diver.

Waxwing – Upton – Alison Copland

Sunset over the Wareham Channel this evening from the Ham Common Viewpoint

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