
Harbour Update – posted 25/10/16

With lighter winds from the east another vis-mig session was attempted at South Haven but passage was much lighter with just 12 Redwing, 4 Song Thrush, 3 Reed Bunting and 7+ Goldcrest in the bushes. A Merlin dashed over Studland churchyard, 3 Firecrest were in Knoll Beach car park and 6 Lesser Redpoll flew over as there were still up to 8 Black-necked Grebe off Middle Beach. A Black Redstart was on rooftops in Old Town Poole. On Brownsea there were up to 38 Spoonbill (will they venture over to Arne for Autumn Watch)?, with 5 Greenshank, 1 Spotted Redshank, 6 Grey Plover and 1 Kingfisher. Best bird of the day goes to a Great Grey Shrike that was found on Hartland Moor although it was very mobile. At Arne there are still a minimum of 3 Firecrest in the car park  and 2 Marsh Harrier were in Middlebere. 

Fieldfare – Middlebere – Simon Kidner

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