
Harbour Update – posted 25/10/15

Today was one of those classic late autumn days with the low autumn sun illuminating the yellows, oranges and browns of various different tree species… certainly a contrast from yesterday. The two male Common Scoter were again in Holes Bay south along with a rise in Wigeon numbers to 625. From Poole Quay there were 3 Diver sp, two of which were Red-throated Diver but the other remained unidentified. The two Great White Egret were noted in different areas of the harbour with one in Middlebere and the other at Littlesea, Studland. A Firecrest was in Upton CP with another 3 in the car park at Arne. A Short-eared Owl was hunting over in the Wytch Channel and there was also 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 Water Pipit and 4 Crossbill that area too. 

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