
Harbour Update – posted 25/09/17

Luckily, for those who had struggled to catch up with the Stilt Sandpiper during its time in Poole Harbour were given a third chance today as it reappeared in Middlebere today after being re-found yesterday evening. It fed quite happily out on the mud in the presence of 47 Spoonbill, 200+ Avocet, 500+ Black-tailed Godwit, 15 Wigeon, 1 Kingfisher and the Great White Egret. Not a bad place to go birding currently! The Yellow-browed Warbler that was at Arne was seen again in the car park and a newly arrived individual was at Lytchett Bay down near the waterworks along Slough Lane. On Lytchett Fields there were 3 Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Ruff and 3 Little Stint, one of which got pulses racing due to its pale and different appearance. Overall the bird was dumpier, larger, paler and fed slightly differently but having consulted friends about the bird the agreed ID was a slightly more worn juv Little Stint. Still, it gave a great opportunity to be able to study the variability of this species. An Osprey spent the day touring the eastern end of Arne between Middlebere and Shipstal. Migration through Ballard was steady with 39 Chiffchaff, 23 Blackcap, 42 Meadow Pipit, 2 Willow Warbler, 1 Stonechat ringed with the added bonus of a hunting Kestrel also ringed!

Little Stints showing great variability – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

Kestrel – Ballard Down – Olly Slessor

Stonechat – Ballard Down – Olly Slessor

Yellowhammer – Ballard Down – Olly Slessor

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