
Harbour Update – posted 25/07/14

By far the most exciting news from today was the news that an adult Aquatic Warbler was ringed at Lytchett Bay. This is the 4th Aquatic Warbler at this site in four years, which is great considering there had been an almost 15 year gap for any Poole Harbour records. Aquatic Warbler is classed as globally threated as their breeding habitats in Eastern Europe are getting drained and disappearing at an alarming rate. Here’s hoping for some more easterly winds and some more of these striped beauties. On our Nightjar walk the rain gave everything a good soaking but we were treated to warm clear, mosquito filled skies. Several Nightjar were heard and we even managed to get one in the scope sat on a post 20m away from us. Also seen in the Middlebere Channel 6 Spoonbill, 1 Greenshank, 322+ Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Yellow-legged Gull and a Hobby, 475 Curlew were seen by another observer. The Bar-heaed Goose was in Poole Park again

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