
Harbour Update – posted 24/11/23

The cold snap certainly kicked in today which will hopefully deliver a few more birds. Strangely a small late push of Wood Pigeon went through just after sunrise with c2000 going over Lytchett Bay, but it didn’t look or sound like many others were moving elsewhere. With the northerly wind a flock of c80 Fieldfare arrived in over Lytchett Minster and were being followed by a female Merlin. There was both an adult male Hen Harrier and female ringtail Hen Harrier in Lytchett Bay this morning and an adult (perhaps the same) male Hen Harrier at Swineham this afternoon. The Great Northern Diver and Common Scoter were in Lytchett Bay again, there were 2 Great Northern Diver in central harbour and another off Jerry’s Point.

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