
Harbour Update – posted 24/07/14

Holes Bay is looking great at the moment on the rising and falling tides and I’m just waiting for something good to turn up there. Although unfortunately despite its close proximity to Poole Town Centre it’s a hugely under watched site. The NE corner tends to attract good numbers of birds but the rest of Holes Bay also needs covering quite often with historic records of Wilsons Phalarope and Collared Pratincole you never know what could be out there. I dashed down quickly on my lunch break and for a split second thought I had a Caspian Tern in my scope, but it wasn’t until a few heart stopping seconds later that I realised I was only watching a Common Tern, but with the heat haze intensely magnifying all the features. I did take a quick photo to highlight this, but didn’t realise at the time there was a great comparison taking place just below the Tern as a Whimbrel and Curlew walked past each other. At Lytchett Bay there were 2 Wood Sandpiper.  A Redstart was up on Hartland, hopefully the first of many in the coming months, also 3 Woodlark, 4 Dartford Warbler and big numbers of Swallow and Sand Martin heading to the Swineham reedbed to roost. A Marsh Harrier seemed to be hunting around the Little Egret colony spooking them all, revealing 31 Little Egret and 2 Grey Heron

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