
Harbour Update – posted 24/04/21

Proper spring day today with superb seawatching and vismig on offer! A Pale morph Pomarine Skua distantly east past Alum Chine at 07:25am was the thrilling highlight of an excellent seawatch from Alum Chine that logged 14 Arctic Tern, 19 Common Tern, 14 Commic Tern (Common/Arctic sp.), 3 Little Tern, 22 Sandwich Tern, 1 diver sp., 1 Mute Swan, 2 Kittiwake, 1 Grey Plover,  10 Whimbrel and 40 Gannet. Various spring passerines were also observed from the watch, with Wheatear and 2 White and a Yellow Wagtail in off the sea, accompanied by 2 Swift and 4 Swallow. Lytchett Bay received an early Swift record, with one passing low over Frenches Pools. CJ7 remained largely inactive today, however a second Osprey was reported in the harbour this morning, picked up over Middlebere Channel at 10:30am while CJ7 was hunkered down on the nest cam. Just beyond the harbour bounday, a Red Kite was spotted over Morden mid-morning.

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