
Harbour Update – posted 24/03/23

With improved weather conditions there were more arrivals today including a hat-trick of Osprey with one in Holes Bay this afternoon which was then seen drifting north over Fleetsbridge, then this evening one was fishing in the Wareham Channel whilst another arrived in over Studland and caught a fish in Brands Bay. There was a Little Ringed Plover on the Stilt Pools at Swineham, along with 2 Cattle Egret. The Poole Peregrines were seen mating this morning, so maybe there is still a chance they could nest this year? Especially with a nice new nesting box on the Asda building! At Swineham this morning there was a Swallow, both White-tailed Eagles flew over Swineham Point, 4 Marsh Harrier were active and Bearded Tit were calling in the reed beds. At Middlebere there were 2 Spotted Redshank, Red Kites passed over Lytchett Bay, the Wareham Channel, Stoborough and Brands Bay and 3 Wheatear were out on Greenalands Farm.

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