
Harbour Update – posted 24/02/24

A fine day today with a typical harbour affair presenting it’s self. The White-tailed Eagle pair were over Middlebere, Brands Bay and in the Wareham Channel for most of the day, and yesterday younger (Christchurch Harbour resident) G818 was also in the Wareham Channel. This evening a Poole Harbour record count of 41 Cattle Egret went into the harbour roost, passing over Swineham, but alas, no Bittern tonight, despite near perfect conditions. There were 2 Spotted Redshank in Middlebere, a Black-necked Grebe was off Jerry’s Point. There was a ringtail Hen Harrier at Middlebere and Swineham, a Merlin at Greenlands Farm and 2 Red Kite over Hartland.

Full moon rising over Swineham – Adam Day

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