
Harbour Update – posted 23/08/17

Apart from the obvious conservation benefit of our most recent Osprey translocation project there is a significant secondary benefit, which is the public benefit. Offering the opportunity for people to come and see these magnificent birds of prey is special in its self but being able to do it within the setting of Poole Harbour whilst watching plenty of other great wildlife truly is special. Today we hosted ours (and the projects) first ever Osprey translocation cruise where we were able to present, discuss and showcase the project to a budding and enthusiastic audience whilst taking in the best the harbour had to offer. We make no secret of the fact that this then provides all organisation involved within the project the opportunity to talk about their wider work, bettering and widening peoples understanding of other conservation issues and topics, which for us is just as important as the Osprey project alone. It was fantastic to see so many new faces and to take questions from everyone on board. It panned out exactly as we had hoped it would, when discussing it all those years ago, when the project was still just an idea rather than a reality. A huge thanks again to everyone on board and we look forward to our next two (Fri & Sat) this week. Thankfully, some (not all) Osprey played ball and our hardy passengers were treated to watching two Osprey fishing out in the Wareham Channel, with one even catching a fish. We also saw another (or the same) two on top of Arne Hill getting mobbed by Ravens. Whilst out on the boat plenty of Common and Sandwich Tern were still out and about feeding and we even had a Wheatear try and land on the boat near the mouth of the Frome. Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher, Dunlin, Shag, Little Egret and a Peregrine were also seen, but the real stars of the show were of course our talon-masked friends. Elsewhere in the harbour a Marsh Tit was ringed up on Ballard Down which is pretty exceptional along with 32 House Martin and 1 Garden Warbler. On Brownsea there were 2 Spoonbill, 1 Little Stint, 1 Spotted Redshank and the Bonaparte’s Gull. Lytchett Fields was mad with birds including 126 Dunlin, 1 Ringed Plover, 14 Green Sandpiper, 1 Knot, 8 Greenshank, 126 Redshank, 3 Common Sandpiper and a good sweep of Lapwing, Common Snipe, Shelduck and Black-tailed Godwit as well as 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 Whinchat and 7 Yellow Wagtail. We also began night recording again properly a few nights ago and last night was quite busy with birds as 13 Tree Pipit, 2 Green Sandpiper, 2 Dunlin, 2 individual Common Sandpiper and 1 flock, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit flock, 1 small Ringed Plover flock and 1 Common Snipe all passing over our listening station between 9pm and 4:30am.

Common Seals see from Osprey boat trip this AM – Phyl England

All aboard…Osprey boat trip this AMĀ 

Osprey – Middlebere – Simon Kidner (not photographed from boat trip)

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