
Harbour Update – posted 23/02/24

Our website is now back up and running, so we can return to posting sightings on here! Apologies for the technical difficulties over the past couple of days.

Finally some nicer weather in the harbour today allowing for lots of bird of prey activity with Peregrine sightings over Poole Town Centre and Shipstal Point. 2 White-tailed Eagle were seen flying over Arne RSPB, heading towards the Wareham Channel as well as 7 Spoonbill and 1 flyover Crossbill at Shipstal. A pair of Goosander were at Holmebridge this morning. In Lytchett Fields 1 Goshawk was enjoying the warm conditions, seen from the Rock Lea Viewpoint as well as 5 Greenshank and 3 Spotted Redshank on Sherford Pools. 1 Sandwich Tern was seen in Holes Bay sat on one of the marker buoys.

Peregrine Falcon – Poole – Tony Furnell

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