
Harbour Update – posted 22/12/17

Today we hosted our annual Christmas ‘Birding for Beginners’ boat trip around the harbour. Yet again with flat calm waters, viewing was made easy and a great selection of birds encountered. Out on the water there were 3-4 Great Northern Diver off the NE end of Brownsea, off Whitely Lake and in the North Channel. Out in central harbour the Velvet Scoter and a Common Scoter were with several Goldeneye with another c40 Goldeneye present around the rest of the harbour along with 3 Guillemot. Also c150 Red-breasted Merganser and c50 Great Crested Grebe were logged. In total 10 Black-necked Grebe were counted with some in central harbour and more off Jerry’s Point. 15 Spoonbill were gathered on Shipstal Point, Arne with another 15 on the Brownsea Lagoon. At Lytchett Fields there were 3 Water Pipit and several Chiffchaff were recorded around the Lytchett Bay area. Merlin, Marsh and Hen Harrier were all logged from Middlebere and a decent flock of Fieldfare were hanging around on the top of Hartland. 

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