
Harbour Update – posted 22/12/16

Another great today with not one but two Great Grey Shrikes present with one on Hartland Moor again and the Canford Heath bird also seen. Bird of prey totals have dwindled somewhat with only 3 Marsh Harrier coming into roost in Poole Harbour west and just a single Hen Harrier with at least 2 Merlin still present on Hartland. The Brownsea Lagoon was fully surveyed today with highlights being 8 Spoonbill, 51 Knot, 7 Spotted Redshank, 123 Grey Plover, 6 Greenshank, 138 Bar-tailed Godwit and a pre-roost of 1500+ Herring Gull that came in before dusk. Also on Brownsea was a female Merlin, 3 Firecrest, 1 Chiffchaff, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 80 Siskin and a male Golden Pheasant. On Poole Park Lake there were 7 Goldeneye, most displaying wonderfully close to the edges of the lake. The Lesser Yellowlegs was still on Lytchett Fields. 

Goldeneye – Poole Park Lake 

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