
Harbour Update – posted 22/11/23

It was beautifully calm, cold winter day but sightings wise it was a bit thin on the ground. Out in Studland Bay there were 6 Black-necked Grebe and 6 Common Scoter. Off Jerry’s Point there were 3 Great Northern Diver and the Black-throated Diver was in the River Frome again off the footpath at Swineham Point, as you look south out down the river. At Rockley viewpoint a White-tailed Eagle was just off the beach then settled over on the Arne shoreline and in Lytchett Bay a male Hen Harrier was over the fields and the Common Scoter and Great Northern Diver were still in the bay. Also, a ringing session targeting Water Pipit at Lytchett Bay saw success with 3 new birds colour-ringed as part of a national Water Pipit colour ringing scheme.

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