
Harbour Update – posted 22/04/21

With clear blue skies over Lytchett Bay this morning, a Spotted Redshank was reported, along with 4 Whimbrel, 7 Bar-tailed Godwit, 240 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Dunlin and 1 Greenshank. At Upton Country Park, there was a report of 2 Cattle Egret on the farm fields this morning – a great record for the north of the harbour. 2 Cattle Egret were later seen at Little Sea over at Studland. Finally, there was a nice report of a Hobby over Holton Lee this afternoon (please bear in mind that Holton Lee is currently closed to the public). Some late news with 2 Garganey seen at Swineham around dusk which headed to the main GP but couldn’t be relocated.
Cattle Egret –  Upton Country Park – Niko
Hobby – Holton Lee – Tony Furnell

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