
Harbour Update – posted 21/03/24

The day started off mild but ended up really quite chilly. For our team it was a day of two boat trips, with this mornings School Bird Boat which was with Winchelsea School, being treated to a stunning view of White-tailed Eagle G466 flying in over RSPB Arne, past our boat before heading off over Lytchett Bay and Upton. Then, this afternoon we hosted our first Spring Safari of the season which was jam packed including good views of both White-tailed Eagles in the Wareham Channel with G463 giving us a good fly by as he flew in and joined female G466. Up to 6 Marsh Harrier were really active in and around Swineham, with plenty of interaction between one another. Also in the Wareham Channel were 2 Spotted Redshank, 17 Knot, c100 Black-tailed Godwit and c50 Redshank. The Long-tailed Duck was still off Jerry’s point and up to 4 Great Northern Diver were still between the harbour entrance and Sandbanks. Up to 6 Sandwich Tern were on the Brownsea Lagoon where there were still 8+ Avocet and 4 Spoonbill. Elsewhere 25 Cattle Egret flew in and roosted on the islands on Swineham GP, a female Merlin was on Hartland, 2 Northern Wheatear were along the cycle path in Holes Bay south with another on Redhorn Quay. A Swallow flew over Hartland Moor.

Great Northern Diver – North Channel (off Baiter) – Alison Copland

White-tailed Eagle pair – Wareham Channel – Alison Copland

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