
Harbour Update – posted 21/01/17

Conditions today were perfect for a good trudge around the harbour with open water species being a particular focus. A really great count of 4 Slavonian Grebe off Ower Point resembles counts of years gone by for this bird and it was joined by 6 Black-necked Grebe with and 12 off Middle beach, Studland. There were also 3 Great Northern Diver off the Brownsea southern shores along with 1 Common Scoter, 100+ Red-breasted Merganser, 60+ Goldeneye and 45+ Great Crested Grebe. On the Brownsea Lagoon there were 3 Spotted Redshank, 3 Greenshank and 3 Pintail but due to a mostly frozen lagoon numbers of other waders and wildfowl were really low.  Also on Brownsea 1 Woodcock, 3 Firecrest, 60+ Siskin and a pair of Raven. At Fleets Corner an incredible 21 Chiffchaff were ringed including a Siberian Chiffchaff and a Firecrest. This site has historically been good for over-wintering Chiffchaff but for some reason, mid-January (certainly over the last 2 years) has seen a spike in numbers from just a few birds present to 20+. This phenomena was also represented at Norden Sewage Works where recently only 4-5 Chiffchaff have been present, yet today there were 18 on the filter beds. In Lytchett Bay 5 Spoonbill were roosting and the Lesser Yellowlegs was in the bay on the low tide. The Smew was still out in Holes Bay SE and late news from yesterday at Swineham Point 6 Jack Snipe were flushed and several Bearded Tit were calling. At Arne 15 Spoonbill were on Shipstal Point. 

Lesser Yellowlegs – Lytchett Bay – 19/01/17 

Redhead Smew – Holes Bay – Chrys Mellor

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