
Harbour Update – posted 20/07/17

Last night we set our night recording gear up for the first time this autumn, and seeing that big(ish) numbers of waders are already on the move across the UK it could have been a productive night. Sadly…it wasn’t! Well, 2 Common Sandpiper, 2 Curlew, 1 Whimbrel and several Grey Heron were the best of it, but being as its still only mid/late July there’s plenty of time left to scan our sky’s at night for all those passing birds. In Middlebere an Osprey was seen briefly with 2 potentially seen over the Wareham Channel from Lytchett Bay.

This evening both our Osprey chicks LS0 and LS1 took to their perching bar, which is a good indication they’re beginning to think about their first flights. Tim Mackrill will be coming down next week to take a look at all eight birds where we’ll then go on to make a plan for all of their releases in the coming days/weeks. 

Common Sandpiper calls of night time migrant & Sika squeaks, Piddle Valley – 20/07/19 @ 03:31 

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