
Harbour Update – posted 20/07/16

A ringing session in the north of the harbour produced (as expected for the time of year) plenty of newly fledged youngsters. Most ringed birds consisted of juvenile Chiffchaff and Blackcap but a Willow Warbler was present too. On Brownsea there were 6 Avocet, including the 2 colour-ringed birds, 1 Spoonbill and 2 Spotted Redshank. At Lytchett Fields the Little ringed Plover total reached a whopping 12 which is pretty staggering by any means. Also present were 11 Green Sandpiper, 8 Common Sandpiper, 2 Greenshank, 8 Dunlin and 150+ Black-tailed Godwit. In Holes Bay north-east 108 Black-tailed Godwit and 22 Curlew feeding.

Juvenile Blackcap – Poole Harbour north rining station

Juvenile Chiffchaff – Poole Harbour north rining station

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