
Harbour Update – posted 19/10/15

Today proved you don’t have to be at a coastal site to get good vis-mig birds when a Lapland Bunting passed over Lytchett Heath at 8:30am calling low overhead and passing off to the NW. Also over the Lytchett Bay area were 2 Crossbill, 2 Egyptian Geese, 1 Rock Pipit, 5 Fieldfare and 6 Redwing. A Yellowhammer at Lytchett Fields the previous day was the first since November 210! At Arne a Hawfinch passed over the car park calling and 2 Firecrest and the Brambling were still viewable in the car park area. A Short-eared Owl flew over Slepe Heath and out across Arne Moors towards Swineham at 5pm and 3 Marsh Harrier, including a sub-adult male were present there too. A first year Cetti’s Warbler was singing in Poole Park and a Red-throated Diver was out off Fisherman’s dock. A flock of c200 sinensis Cormorant flew out across Whitecliff/Baiter towards the harbour mouth. 

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