
Harbour Update – posted 19/04/22

Wonderful to welcome of the safe return of Osprey 019 to the UK, thanks to the team at Brenig for notifying us of her intrusion on the Welsh nest at 1.24pm. Released as part of our Poole Harbour translocation project in 2019, 019 returned to the UK for the first time last year, visiting the Glaslyn nest and has been seen in the last two winters in Gunjur Quarry, The Gambia. There’s still time for her to find a mate and go on to breed this season… Turning to within, regular harbour go-ers G318 and G801 (Isle of Wight White-tailed Eagles) were out causing a commotion over Brownsea Lagoon around midday, with additional sightings coming in from Shipstal, Arne and Swineham. The latter site also clocked up Cattle Egret, Marsh Harrier and Cuckoo. An incoming tide at Lytchett Fields failed to produce the Green-winged Teal, instead featuring c.20 Eurasian Teal on Sherford Pools. Red Kite continue to passage continues, with birds logged over Arne and Wareham. At Old Harry/Ballard there were 3 Wheatear, 1 Yellow Wagtail, 1 Grasshopper Warbler, 5 Common Whitethroat and 2 Rock Pipit with 2 Gannet, 1 Fulmar, 2 Common Scoter and 2 Guillemot past west. In Brands Bay there were 2 late Pintail, 2 Whimbrel and 5 Swallow over with 2 Ringed Plover in Bramble Bush Bay and 7 Common Tern in the harbour mouth. In Wytch Lake there was a single late dark-bellied Brent Goose and at Holme Lane GP 2 Common Sandpiper and 1 Egyptian Goose. At Challow Hill just a single Yellowhammer was logged but Willow Warbler were evident in multiple places including along the Arne Road, the Studland Road, Swineham and Ballard.

Incredible scenes of White-tailed Eagles G318 and G801 interacting over Brownsea Lagoon – Ben Arkless

Female White-tailed Eagle G318 – Brownsea Lagoon – Ben Arkless

019 intruding Brenig nest in Wales (seen here behind LJ2)

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