
Harbour Update – posted 18/10/20

Swineham featured Marsh Harrier, passing flock of Lesser Redpoll and 50 Curlew. Early visit to Holes Bay captured the departing 1420 strong Black-headed Gull roost, along with a decent count of staple 550 Wigeon and 21 Knot. The rising tide in Lytchett Bay produced 393 Wigeon, 387 Teal, 180+ Dunlin, 60+ Redshank, 4 Greenshank, 18 CurlewKingfisherYellow-legged Gull and a notable 9 Little Grebe this morning. Brownsea Island attracted 38 Spoonbill onto the Lagoon.

Rock Pipit – Holes Bay – Steve Grundy

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