
Harbour Update – posted 18/06/16

There were several large flocks of Swifts assembling at different locations around the harbour, taking advantage of the warm, still, muggy weather and abundance of insects. Over Harland Moor 100+ gathered with another 50+ over Challow Hill, whilst over near Poole Park another 100+ fed over the Baiter, Whitecliff area. At Challow Hill 4 Whitethroat were still singing along with 2 Yellowhammer and 2 Blackcap. On the Brownsea Lagoon, the Med Gulls are causing a bit of mischief amongst the Terns, but as the Tern chicks get bigger the Med’s should become less of an issue. Also on Brownsea the first returning Redshanks arrived with 2. At Lytchett Fields there was a single Green Sandpiper and c20 Black-tailed Godwit

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