
Harbour Update – posted 18/03/16

With a drop off in wind strength on Thursday night going into Friday it allowed a small passage of birds to pass over our listening station during the hours of darkness. There was a small increase in Redwing with 46 calls registered 6 Song Thrush calls, 4 Blackbird calls, 3 Curlew and 5 Oystercatcher. Although this isn’t the case most the time, we’ve noticed this last week that thrushes haven’t wanted to move into a direct headwind at all. Perhaps the wind strength was just a tad too much, whereas quite normally birds will migrate into the wind as it provides lift, and takes them further away from the centre of a weather system. There were 2 Firecrest in the Arne car park with loads of Siskin on the feeders there. Plus, the harbours first Wheatear of the spring was found down along Shipstal Beach. In Middlebere 4 Spoonbill were still present along with a Marsh Harrier and Peregrine. Meadow Pipits were on the move all day, with flocks of 5-30 birds passing over in waves out over places like Coombe Heath and Slepe Heath.

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