
Harbour Update – posted 18/02/22

Although a number of over-wintering birds have already left, there were still really good numbers spread across the harbour from our low-tide cruise this afternoon. dark-bellied Brent Geese were well spread across the south of the harbour with c1000 still present. In Brands Bay there 300+ Pintail, c400 Black-tailed Godwit and good numbers of Teal and Wigeon. Near the harbour mouth 3 Black-necked Grebe were just off the Houseboats and 3 Spoonbill were in Newton Bay. In Whitley Lake, Sandbanks Med Gull numbers were increasing and c80 Bar-tailed Godwit were feeding away from the Kite Surfers. At the top end of the Wareham Channel a minimum of 7 Marsh Harrier came into roost, c300 Lapwing, 25 Avocet, c400 Dunlin and thousands of gulls were on the on the mud. In Lytchett Bay a Spotted Redshank was off Rock Lea view , 1 off Swineham Point and another Spotted Redshank was in Middlebere. On Lytchett Fields Water Pipit ‘1K’ was present and at the harbour entrance at dawn 135 Pintail and 70 Red-breasted Merganser entered the harbour. A semi-decent count of 22 Sanderling were on the Sandbanks groynes near the Haven Hotel.

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