
Harbour Update – posted 18/01/23

Another bitterly cold day with a flurry of snow this morning too, meaning that the Brownsea Lagoon was frozen during our boat trip this afternoon. Numbers on the lagoon were therefore low, but there were plenty of sightings elsewhere in the harbour…

The central harbour provided some interest with 1 Velvet Scoter and 2 Eider present, with a further single Eider south-east of Brownsea. There were 2 Great Northern Diver in Bramble-bush bay near the house boats, and around 120 Red-breasted Merganser present harbour-wide. In the Wareham Channel, 2 White-tailed Eagle were present (G801 and G812), raising excitement after pursuits by Ravens and Marsh Harriers, and feeding on the shoreline near Keysworth. There were at least 5 Marsh Harrier present in the channel, and 1 Hen Harrier seen distantly over Arne Moors. On the Swineham Gravel Pit, 2 Pochard were seen alongside 5 Tufted Duck and 1 Egyptian Goose. In Holes Bay this morning, at least 1000 Black-tailed Godwit were counted, as well as over 1000 Wigeon, 100+ Avocet, Pintail and Curlew logged. In Lytchett Bay, 3 Spoonbill were present again on the falling tide, as well as 5 Shoveler and 3 Marsh Harrier. A further 3 Spoonbill were seen at Shipstal Point this afternoon.

There are still a few tickets available for our Low Tide Cruise running tomorrow afternoon, which can be booked here.

Pintail – Holes Bay – Tony Furnell

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