
Harbour Update – posted 17/11/23

The day got off to a great start for Brownsea Warden Nicki Tutton who during her early morning check of the lagoon found both the White-tailed Eagles hunting around 07:45. Although the Wareham Channel seems to be the centre of their territory, they spend most days exploring and hunting in the wider parts (and beyond) of the harbour. Nicki in her excitement took some video, and what we absolutely love about this footage is not only the spectacle it’s self but the fact that the built up area of Sandbanks is the backdrop to this drama, highlighting just how at home these birds are in a busy harbour landscape. The weirdest sighting of the day was of a juv Gannet seen flying over the Wareham Channel which then headed south over Arne Moors and Hartland before then heading away towards the Corfe Gap and away! There were 2 Short-eared Owls around the Middlebere/Wytch area this evening. The water was flat calm today/this evening allowing for some good scanning opportunities from various viewpoints. Out off Middle Beach, Studland there were 8 Black-necked Grebe and 5 Common Scoter, in Brands Bay 1 Great Northern Diver, 1 Common Scoter and 1 Black-necked Grebe and a late Swallow and off Jerry’s Point 1 Great Northern Diver, 1 Red-throated Diver and 42 Great Crested Grebe. Off Shipstal this evening there were 24 Spoonbill, 1 Great Northern Diver, 4 Dartford Warbler in the surrounding scrub, c10 Red-breasted Merganser, 1 Great White Egret Egret and 200+ Fieldfare flew over to roost. There were definately a few more Redwing around today too with various flocks of 50+ birds moving about between various woodlands. The Frome Valley floods are holding large numbers of Black-tailed Godwit with 985 present this morning with another 1000+ in Holes Bay this morning too. This evening a fantastic roost of Jackdaw headed over Upton CP towards Pergin’s Island which contained 1725 birds. Also in Holes Bay were 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 Spoonbill and 2 Bearded Tit in the NW section. The Lytchett Bay Common Scoter and Great Northern Diver remained.

Videos of White-tailed Eagle pair hunting over Brownsea Lagoon – Nicki Tutton

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